Schwettmann Group

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. J. Jie, S. Zhong, Q. Zhang, I. Morgenstern, H. G. Ooi, Q. Guan, A. Bhagat, D. Nematollahi, A. Schwettmann, and D. Blume,
    "Dynamical mean-field driven spinor condensate physics beyond the single-mode approximation,"
    Phys. Rev. A 107, 053309 (2023). [Journal, arXiv]
  2. S. Zhong, H. G. Ooi, S. Prajapati, Q. Zhang, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Seeded spin-mixing interferometry with long-time evolution in microwave-dressed sodium spinor Bose-Einstein condensates,"
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 56, 085502 (2023). [Journal]
  3. Q. Guan, G. W. Biedermann, A. Schwettmann, and R. J. Lewis-Swan,
    "Tailored generation of quantum states in an entangled spinor interferometer to overcome detection noise,"
    Phys. Rev. A 104, 042415 (2021). [Journal, arXiv]
  4. J. Jie, Q. Guan, S. Zhong, A. Schwettmann, and D. Blume,
    "Mean-field spin-oscillation dynamics beyond the single-mode approximation for a harmonically trapped spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate,"
    Phys. Rev. A 102, 023324 (2020). [Journal, arXiv]
  5. I. Morgenstern, S. Zhong, Q. Zhang, L. Baker, J. Norris, B. Tran, and A. Schwettmann,
    "A Versatile Microwave Source for Cold Atom Experiments Controlled by a Field Programmable Gate Array,"
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 023202 (2020). [Journal, arXiv]
  6. Q. Zhang and A. Schwettmann,
    "Quantum interferometry with microwave-dressed F=1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates: Role of initial states and long-time evolution,"
    Phys. Rev. A 100, 063637 (2019). [Journal, arXiv]
  7. J. P. Wrubel, A. Schwettmann, D. P. Fahey, Z. Glassman, H. K. Pechkis, P. F. Griffin, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett,
    "Spinor Bose-Einstein-condensate phase-sensitive amplifier for SU(1,1) interferometry,"
    Phys. Rev. A 98, 023620 (2018). [Journal, arXiv]
  8. J. Sedlacek, A. Schwettmann, H. Kübler, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Atom based vector microwave electrometry using rubidium Rydberg atoms in a vapor cell,"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 063001 (2013). [Journal, arXiv]
  9. H. K. Pechkis, J. P. Wrubel, A. Schwettmann, P. F. Griffin, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett,
    "Spinor dynamics in an antiferromagnetic spin-1 thermal Bose gas,"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 025301 (2013). [Journal, arXiv]
  10. J. A. Sedlacek, A. Schwettmann, H. Kübler, R. Löw, T. Pfau, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Microwave electrometry with Rydberg atoms in a vapour cell using bright atomic resonances,"
    Nature Physics 8, 819-824 (2012). [Journal, arXiv]
  11. A. Schwettmann, J. Sedlacek, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Field-programmable gate array based locking circuit for external cavity diode laser frequency stabilization,"
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 103103 (2011). [Journal]
  12. J. S. Cabral, J. M. Kondo, L. F. Goncalves, V. A. Nascimento, L. G. Marcassa, D. Booth, J. Tallant, A. Schwettmann, K. R. Overstreet, J. Sedlacek and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Effects of electric fields on ultracold Rydberg atom interactions,"
    J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 184007 (2011). [Journal]
  13. K. R. Overstreet, A. Schwettmann, J. Tallant, D. Booth and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Observation of electric-field-induced Cs Rydberg atom macrodimers,"
    Nature Physics 5, 581 - 585 (2009). [Journal, arXiv]
  14. V. A. Nascimento, L. L. Caliri, A. Schwettmann, J. P. Shaffer, and L. G. Marcassa,
    "Electric Field Effects in the Excitation of Cold Rydberg-Atom Pairs,"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 213201 (2009). [Journal]
  15. A. Schwettmann, K. R. Overstreet, J. Tallant, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Analysis of long-range Cs Rydberg potential wells,"
    J. Mod. Opt. 54, 2551-2562 (2007). [Journal]
  16. K. R. Overstreet, A. Schwettmann, J. Tallant, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Photoinitiated collisions between cold Cs Rydberg atoms,"
    Phys. Rev. A 76, 011403(R) (2007). [Journal]
  17. A. Schwettmann, C. McGuffey, S. Chauhan, K. R. Overstreet, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Tunable four-pass narrow spectral bandwidth amplifier for use at ~508 nm,"
    Appl. Opt. 46, 1310-1315 (2007). [Journal]
  18. A. Schwettmann, J. Crawford, K. R. Overstreet, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Cold Cs Rydberg-gas interactions,"
    Phys. Rev. A 74, 020701(R) (2006). [Journal, arXiv]
  19. J. Tallant, K. R. Overstreet, A. Schwettmann, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Sub-Doppler magneto-optical trap temperatures measured using Rydberg tagging,"
    Phys. Rev. A 74, 023410 (2006). [Journal]
  20. K. Overstreet, P. Zabawa, J. Tallant, A. Schwettmann, and J.P. Shaffer,
    "Multiple scattering and the density distribution of a Cs MOT,"
    Optics Express 13, 9672 (2005). [Journal]
  21. A. Schwettmann, J. Franklin, K. R. Overstreet, and J.P. Shaffer,
    "Stark slowing asymmetric rotors: Weak-field-seeking states and nonadiabatic transitions,"
    J. Chem. Phys. 123, 194305 (2005). [Journal]
  22. M. Ignaccolo, A. Schwettmann, R. Failla, M. C. Storrie-Lombardi and P. Grigolini,
    "Stromatolites: why do we care?"
    Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 20, 145-148 (2004). [Journal, arXiv]
  23. R. Failla, P. Grigolini, M. Ignaccolo, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Random growth of interfaces as a subordinated process,"
    Phys. Rev. E 70, 010101 (2004). [Journal, arXiv]

Talks at Conferences

  1. S. Zhong, J. Jie, Q. Guan, Q. Zhang, I. Morgenstern, H. G. Ooi, A. Bhagat, D. Nematollahi, H. Lee, D. Blume, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Spin dynamics beyond the single mode approximation in a sodium spinor BEC,"
    DAMOP, Portland, OR (Online, June 1-5, 2020). (co-author, presented by S. Zhong)
  2. Q. Zhang, S. Kim, M. Peters, A. M. Marino, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Experimental Investigation of Four-Wave Mixing in Hot Sodium Vapor Cells,"
    DAMOP, Milwaukee, WI, (May 27-31, 2019). (co-author, presented by Q. Zhang)
  3. S. Zhong, Q. Zhang, I. Morgenstern, H. G. Ooi, and Arne Schwettmann,
    "Atomic Interferometry in Antiferromagetic Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates in the Regime of Long Evolution Time,"
    DAMOP, Milwaukee, WI, (May 27-31, 2019). (co-author, presented by S. Zhong)
  4. D. Fahey, A. Schwettmann, G. Summy, J. Luskin, and P. Lett,
    "Spin synchronization in a finite temperature F=1 Bose-Einstein condensate,"
    DAMOP, Milwaukee, WI, (May 27-31, 2019). (co-author, presented by D. Fahey)
  5. Q. Zhang, A. Schwettmann, and E. Tiesinga,
    "Quantum Interferometry with Microwave-dressed F=1 Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates: Role of Initial States and Long Time Evolution,"
    DAMOP, Sacramento, CA (June 5-9, 2017). (co-author, presented by Q. Zhang)
  6. D. Fahey, Z. Glassman, A. Schwettmann, G. Summy, R. Wilson, E. Tiesinga, and P. Lett,
    "Spinor dynamics in a partially Bose-condensed sodium gas,"
    DAMOP, Columbus, OH (June 8-12, 2015). (co-author, presented by D. Fahey)
  7. A. Schwettmann, G. Summy, H. Pechkis, J. Wrubel, R. Barnett, R. Wilson, E. Tiesinga, P. Lett,
    "Reversal of spin dynamics in an antiferromagnetic F = 1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate,"
    DAMOP, Madison, WI (June 2-6, 2014).
  8. H. K. Pechkis, J. P. Wrubel, A. Schwettmann, P. F. Griffin, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett,
    "Spinor dynamics in a 23-Na spin-1 thermal Bose gas,"
    DAMOP, Quebec City, Canada (2013).
  9. J. Sedlacek, A. Schwettmann, H. Fan, J. P. Shaffer,
    "Polarization Dependent Dark Resonances in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency with Rydberg Atoms"
    DAMOP, Orange County, CA (2012). (co-author, presented by J. Sedlacek)
  10. D. Booth, J. Tallant, A. Schwettmann, and J. P. Shaffer,
    “Anisotropic Rydberg Interactions,”
    DAMOP, Orange County, CA (2012). (co-author, presented by D. Booth)
  11. A. Schwettmann, J. Sedlacek, C. Gentry, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Probing RF electric fields with Rydberg atoms,"
    DAMOP, Atlanta, GA (2011).
  12. D. Booth, J. Tallant, A. Schwettmann, J. P. Shaffer, J. Cabral, J. Kondo, L. Goncalves, and L. Marcassa,
    "Electric field effects on decay of Rb Rydberg atom pairs,"
    DAMOP, Houston, TX (2010). (co-author, presented by D. Booth)
  13. A. Schwettmann, K. R. Overstreet, J. Tallant, D. Booth and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Observation of Cs Rydberg atom macrodimers,"
    DAMOP, Charlottesville, VA (2009).
  14. A. Schwettmann, V. A. Nascimento, L. L. Caliri, J. P. Shaffer, and L. G. Marcassa,
    "Electric field effects on cold Rydberg atom pair excitation,"
    DAMOP, State College, PA (2008).
  15. K. R. Overstreet, A. Schwettmann, J. Tallant, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Long Range, Cold Cs Rydberg Atom-Rydberg Atom Molecules,"
    DAMOP, State College, PA (2008). (co-author, presented by K. R. Overstreet)
  16. J. Tallant, K. R. Overstreet, A. Schwettmann, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Dipole-Dipole Interactions in a Cold Cs Rydberg Gas,"
    DAMOP, State College, PA (2008). (co-author, presented by J. Tallant)
  17. A. Schwettmann, K. R. Overstreet, J. Tallant, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Long-range Cs Rydberg molecules,"
    DAMOP, Calgary, CA (2007).
  18. K. R. Overstreet, A. Schwettmann, J. Tallant, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Resonant collision processes in a Cs Rydberg gas,"
    DAMOP Calgary, CA, (2007). (co-author, presented by K. R. Overstreet)
  19. A. Schwettmann, J. Crawford, K. R. Overstreet, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Rydberg Atom - Rydberg Atom Interaction Potentials,"
    DAMOP, Knoxville, TN (2006).
  20. A. Schwettmann, J. Franklin, K. R. Overstreet, J. Tallant, and J.P. Shaffer,
    "Stark Slowing Asymmetric Rotors,"
    DAMOP, Knoxville, TN (2006).
  21. K.R. Overstreet, J. Tallant, J. Crawford, A. Schwettmann, and J.P. Shaffer,
    "Cold Cs Rydberg Atom Collisions: Line Shifts, Broadening and Inelastic Collisions,"
    DAMOP, Lincoln, NE (2005). (co-author, presented by K. R. Overstreet)

Posters at Conferences

  1. H. G. Ooi, Q. Zhang, S. Zhong, C. Heinen, M. Osisanya, J. E. Moore-Furneaux, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Towards Rydberg Excitation of Sodium Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates,"
    DAMOP, Virtual (Online, May 31-June 4, 2021).
  2. S. Zhong, H. G. Ooi, Q. Zhang, J. E. Moore-Furneaux, G. Biedermann, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Quantum-Enhanced Sensing with Sodium Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates,"
    DAMOP, Virtual (Online, May 31-June 4, 2021).
  3. H. G. Ooi, Q. Zhang, S. Kim, A. Marino, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Four-Wave Mixing in a Hot Sodium Vapor Cell in the Large Single-Photon Detuning Regime,"
    DAMOP, Portland, OR (Online, June 1-5, 2020).
  4. Q. Zhang, S. Zhong, J. Jie, Q. Guan, I. Morgenstern, H. G. Ooi, A. Bhagat, D. Nematollahi, H. Lee, D. Blume, and A. Schwettmann, DAMOP, Portland, OR (Online, June 1-5, 2020).
    "Microwave Control of Spin Dynamics in F=1 Sodium Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates,"
    DAMOP, Portland, OR (Online, June 1-5, 2020).
  5. J. Jie, Q. Guan, S. Zhong, A. Schwettmann, and D. Blume,
    "Spin-oscillation dynamics beyond the single-mode approximation for a harmonically trapped spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate,"
    DAMOP, Portland, OR (Online, June 1-5, 2020).
  6. I. Morgenstern, S. Zhong, Q. Zhang, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Improved FPGA-Controlled Microwave Source for Cold Atom Experiments,"
    DAMOP, Milwaukee, WI, (May 27-31, 2019).
  7. H. G. Ooi, Q. Zhang, S. Kim, A. Marino, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Four-Wave Mixing in Hot Sodium Vapor Cells with Saturated Absorption,"
    DAMOP, Milwaukee, WI, (May 27-31, 2019).
  8. I. Morgenstern, S. Zhong, Q. Zhang, L. Baker, J. Norris, B. Tran, and A. Schwettmann,
    "FPGA-Controlled Versatile Microwave Source for Cold Atom Experiments,"
    DAMOP, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (May 28 Š June 1, 2018).
  9. S. Zhong, Q. Zhang, I. Morgenstern, H. G. Ooi, L. Baker, J. Kittel, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Quantum Interferometry with Microwave-Dressed Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates in the Regime of Long Evolution Times,"
    DAMOP, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (May 28 Š June 1, 2018).
  10. Q. Zhang, S. Kim, L. Narcomey, A. Marino, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Four-wave Mixing in Hot Sodium Vapor Cells,"
    DAMOP, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (May 28 Š June 1, 2018).
  11. S. Zhong, A. Bhagat, Q. Zhang, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Improved Apparatus to Study Matter-Wave Quantum Optics in a Sodium Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate,"
    DAMOP, Sacramento, CA (June 5-9, 2017).
  12. Z. Glassman, D. Fahey, A. Schwettmann, J. Wrubel, and P. Lett,
    "Spinor Dynamics Of A Freely Expanding F=1 Bose-Einstein Condensate,"
    DAMOP, Sacramento, CA (June 5-9, 2017).
  13. D. Nematollahi, Q. Zhang, J. Altermatt, S. Zhong, M. Goodman, A. Bhagat, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Apparatus to study matter-wave quantum optics in spin space in a sodium spinor Bose-Einstein condensate,"
    DAMOP, Providence, RI (May 23-27, 2016).
  14. Q. Zhang, A. Schwettmann, E. Tiesinga,
    "Collisional spin evolution in microwave-dressed F=1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates,"
    DAMOP, Providence, RI (May 23-27, 2016).
  15. A. Foster, D. Nematollahi, A. Schwettmann, and E. Tiesinga,
    "Spinor Bose-Einstein condensates subject to time-dependent microwave dressing: Coherent states vs. Fock states,"
    DAMOP, Columbus, OH (June 8-12, 2015).
  16. D. Nematollahi, A. Foster, K. Yates, J. Altermatt, H. Lee, Q. Zhang, and A. Schwettmann,
    "Experimental apparatus to study cold collisions in sodium spinor Bose-Einstein condensates,"
    DAMOP, Columbus, OH (June 8-12, 2015).
  17. A. Schwettmann, H. K. Pechkis, J. P. Wrubel, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett,
    "Decoherence of spin oscillations in an ultracold F=1 sodium gas,"
    DAMOP, Quebec City, Canada (2013).
  18. H. Fan, J. Sedlacek, A. Schwettmann, J. P. Shaffer, H. Kübler, T. Pfau,
    "Quantum Assisted Sensing Using Rydberg Atom Electromagnetically Induced Transparency,"
    DAMOP, Orange County, CA (2012).
  19. J. Sedlacek, A. Schwettmann, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Generation of 480nm cw light for Rydberg excitation of Rb,"
    DAMOP, Atlanta, GA (2011).
  20. A. Schwettmann, J. Sedlacek, L. Trafford, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Atom-chip trap for Rydberg atom experiments,"
    DAMOP, Houston, TX (2010).
  21. J. Tallant, D. Booth, A. Schwettmann, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Rydberg tagging time-of-flight imaging: An improved apparatus for studying many-body processes,"
    DAMOP, Houston, TX (2010).
  22. A. Schwettmann, J. Tallant, D. Booth, C. E. Savell and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Decoherence of a Rb BEC caused by stray magnetic fields and surface effects,"
    DAMOP, Charlottesville, VA (2009).
  23. J. Tallant, A. Schwettmann, D. W. Booth, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Rydberg tagging time-of-flight imaging to study 3-body recombination ,"
    DAMOP, Charlottesville, VA (2009).
  24. D. Booth, A. Schwettman, J. P. Shaffer, J. S. Cabral, L. F. Goncalvez, L. G. Marcassa,
    "Electric field effects on cold Rydberg atom nD-nD pair collisions,"
    DAMOP, Charlottesville, VA (2009).
  25. J. Tallant, K. R. Overstreet, A. Schwettmann, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Rydberg tagging time-of-flight imaging to study ultracold collisions,"
    DAMOP, Calgary, CA (2007).
  26. K. R. Overstreet, P. Zabawa, J. Tallant, A. Schwettmann, J. Crawford, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Abel Inversion for study of multiple scattering in a Cs magneto-optical trap,"
    DAMOP, Knoxville, TN (2006).
  27. J. Tallant, K. R. Overstreet, A. Schwettmann, and J. P. Shaffer,
    "Temperature Measurements Using Rydberg Tagging,"
    DAMOP, Knoxville, TN (2006).
  28. A. Schwettmann, J. Franklin, K.R. Overstreet, J. Tallant, J. Crawford, and J.P. Shaffer,
    "Stark Slowing Asymmetric Rotors: Weak Field Seeking States and Nonadiabatic Transitions,"
    DAMOP, Lincoln, NE (2005).